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Ka'al Go! Executive Assistant/Project Manager

Job title: Executive Assistant/Project Manager Mission: Assist in development of a retreat center in Moclips WA. Skills: Business operations, quickbooks, project management, customer service, logistics, driving. Physical security or Nordstrom customer service experience a plus. Duties: calendar management, (set up appointments, primary driver to appointments, attend and record meetings), maintain communication between Gray’s Harbor Planning, architect, contractors, and lead executives of the company. Manage corporation licenses, quickbook receipts/invoices.  Compensation: Ka’al Go! is committed to provide a living wage for the qualified person. FAQ: What exactly do you mean by business operations? A) The mechanics of making the business run. Procurements, (some will be complex), setting up appointments, attending and recording the discussion during appointments. Book keeping. Doing the research to find the right contractors, tools, opportunities.  Do you offer ben

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